Repetition, Repetition, Repetition


Dear friends, 

The power of repetition is necessary for all of us to grow, change, and create new skills. When it comes to closing and healing developmental gaps, repetition is a key element to success in addressing those gaps.

When it comes to working and living with kids and students, repetition is something we, as adults, forget about often. When the words, "how many times do I have to tell you" or "are we going to go over this again" drop out of our mouths, we forget that repetition is important so that kids can create the necessary skills for development. 

Enjoy this week's blog as we cover the important of repeat experiences! 


I have spent three days filming over the last week! I've got some great projects happening and I cannot wait to share them with you. 


The final edits for the Trauma informed Handbook Guides are still in the works.

I know!! It seems to be taking forever...


50% Complete

Two Step

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