Surviving Holidays 101


Hi friends, 

Can you believe that we are already in November? 

We know that the next two months are filled with all sorts of our homes, our classrooms, and our office. 

Oh, and ourselves!!

So, today's video is all about surviving the holidays. We chat about things to be aware of, how the unconscious stuff creeps in (trauma), and strategies you can use to get through this season (resilience).

Don't be fooled, this is a quick video that barely scratches the surface. 

So, I'm offering a low-cost Holiday Survival Tele-seminar on Nov. 22, 2019. Just click here for more information and to register.

We can all use support and STRATEGIES during this time of year. 

Look forward to chatting with you at the end of next week. 

Go Be You, 



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