Happy New Year!!
We all survived 2020. It wasn't without loss or grief or going through really hard things. We are survivors!
If 2020 taught me anything, it's that connection and support are critical for human beings. It's a biological necessity to have a village of people who help us navigate life.
My word for 2021 is SUPPORT.
Thus, today's post...10 Ways I am Going to Support You in 2021!
Here we go....
1. FREE: Weekly Community of Connection via Zoom. Think of this as a space where you can ask questions or just connect with other people. The last two weeks has gone so awesome and been so valuable, I decided to make it a weekly commitment, every WEDNESDAY at 11am MST. You can drop in anytime between 11-12pm MST. The Zoom Meeting ID is: 434 254 1987. The password is: Resilience.
2. FREE: Weekly blog posts. Every week I will be posting valuable information to help you navigate parenting, educating, mental health-ing, and just getting through the day to day life. Be sure you subscribe to my blog, if you haven't already, at https://www.gobeyou.org/blog. This will be a great space to learn, reflect, grow, and connect.
3. FREE: Daily social media posts. Let's face it. We all get sucked into the scroll. I'm just as guilty. I've set the goal to post daily on my Instagram and regularly on Facebook. I also have an amazing group of humans who are in my private Facebook Group. If you'd like to join others on this trauma-informed parenting and education journey, just click on the link above and I'll add you!
4. FINANCIAL INVESTMENT: Online courses. I have over 800 people going through my two online courses right now. One is 28 Skills in 28 Days: Therapist Hacks for Pandemic Parenting. The other is: Brain-Based Skills for Educators in the Classroom. The feedback has been so positive. Each of these courses gives the learner more insight into how the brain develops and how we can engage more effectively with the kids in our lives. Just click on the hyperlinks above to find out more information about each course.
5. FREE: Books and resources. Whether I share in a blog post, on social media, or in my Facebook group, I will be sharing throughout the year ALL the book recommendations and other resources I share with my clients. My clients teach me so much and I'm eager to share some of those lessons and resources.
6. FREE: Wise Rockstar Podcast. What?! A Podcast?! I'm writing this for accountability. This does not exist YET. But, it will in 2021. I've had this vision for several years. REAL people telling their REAL stories so others can learn from the life lessons. I know AMAZING people! Plus, so many people have been saying for years...Stacy, do a podcast, we need more human stories. So, I'm setting out to achieve this in 2021. Stay tuned!
7. FINANCIAL INVESTMENT: One on one (or two) parenting coaching. Through the work that I did last year, I realized how much we all need support in navigating this crazy time to parent and co-parent. Thus, I'll be providing coaching opportunities throughout the year. I have a limited number of spaces available to assist families on their journey. This is an intense, intentional, and targeted process. I want to ensure your family is the right fit. If you've been thinking you need to shift something in your family dynamic, this may be a fit for you. If you are interested in, just drop me an email at [email protected] and put in the subject line COACHING. I'll respond with the details.
8. FINANCIAL INVESTMENT: Monthly membership for parenting support. If you're like me, you are more accountable when other people are involved. Thus, the monthly membership was born. If we really want to shift and change our family dynamics, we have to commit. On a regular basis. This opportunity involves TWO zoom sessions per month. One will be a teaching session that goes deeper into parenting strategies. The other will be a Q/A where you can ask anything and we will answer it. If you cannot attend the sessions live, no worries, I will be recording every month. Click on the hyperlink above for more information.
9. FINANCIAL INVESTMENT: Cohort Support for Administrators, Educators, and School Counselors. Over this last year, I have partnered with the Western Montana Professional Learning Collaborative to provide an 8 week Trauma-Informed Support Cohort for Administrators. It's gone over so well, we are adding a cohort for Educators and School Counselors. This is a small, intensive cohort where we address all sorts of issues that occur in schools. If you are interested in this, just drop me an email at [email protected] and put in the subject line COHORT. I'll return your email with more information.
10. FREE: Just being a human on this journey with you. Never underestimate the fact that I'm a human right along with you during this journey called Life. I have great days and bad ones. I struggle with my own demons and I've worked through other ones. Part of what makes me who I am is just showing up in whatever way I can and sharing my journey with you. Maybe it will help some, maybe it won't. Either way, I was gifted with this journey to show up and be REAL with you. Thanks for keeping me around.
Okay, that's it. That's all I'm going to do to support and serve you in 2021. Is there anything I'm missing? If so, drop me an email and let me know.
Thanks for being in this with me. I look forward to getting to know you better in 2021.
Go Be You,
50% Complete
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