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Social Emotional Learning 101: 28 Skills in 28 Days

Social Emotional Learning: 28 Skills in 28 Days

I am so happy you landed here. This course provides gentle reminders of the tools that are in our toolbox as parents. 

Each skill is based in brain research and makes sense based on how our emotional regulation systems work.

Here's some of the feedback from parents in the course:

"Stacy, this is really helping me when I'm in the dysregulated moments with my kids!"

"I had no idea that reasoning with my kid before they were regulated was like talking to an infant. This has helped tremendously."

"I am releasing my own feelings that I haven't really addressed before. Thanks for this course."

Here's what you will get:

  • 28 skills that allow you to pick one without really needing to think about it
  • a video teaching each skill
  • an audio teaching each skill
  • a journal prompt to take you deeper with each skill
  • access to a free Facebook group
  • lifetime access to this course

Thanks for trusting me and allowing me on this journey with you.